Saturday, April 11, 2009

China's Gender Equity: Too many guys; too few gals

China's guy problems only getting worse [Source:}

“Population Control is Good for the Human Race”


China is a “Boys Club.” Not will be – is.

According the article

  • In 2005, China had 32 million more males under the age of 20 than females.
  • In 2005, 1.1 million more boys were born than girls.
  • In the age group 1 to 4, boys outnumber girls 124 to 100.

Why did this happen?

  • Selective abortion. Chinese culture prefers males over females. When considered against the One-child policy and inheritance laws that may not be entirely enforced, male children prevail against female.

What does this mean?

  • Men will have a difficult time finding a partner
  • Women will have a lot of guys to choose from
  • Men may go abroad to find a wife, traveling to Southeast Asia, as described in the Salon article from 09/21/2006

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